Saturday 24 May 2014

Hello from Cycle Mumma

This blog is largely for my own amusement. I'm not really expecting a great following.

Its not just about cycling, but also about better eating, being more physically active, and getting out and enjoying life.

If you do get to read along with me my hope is that you might be encouraged to live a healthier lifestyle as well, and that you might reap the benefits of those lifestyle choices just as I have done.

Basically I love cycling, I love cycling adventures, and I love sharing those adventures with other people either by having them along for the ride, or just sharing the stories.

I enjoyed cycling as a primary school aged child, but tried again in my early 20's and had a terrifying experience which put me off for over 25 years. I then tried again in 2008 (not far off fifty years of age) but was so unfit and terrified that the 5km ride left me physically exhausted and emotionally drained. The (bran spanking new) bike was put away and I thought I would NEVER RIDE AGAIN…… EVER.

Sadly at that point, I also decided that the increase in my girth was an inevitable part of getting old… that I was getting old…. and that I just needed to accept that I was on the down hill run. I was approaching 50 years of age after all.

A couple of years passed after that point before things turned around for me. But since they turned around, in twelve months I discovered I had an inner morning person, lost 30kg and thought a 30km ride was a walk in the park.

So what happened to spark that massive change?

Read on…..