Tuesday 1 July 2014

"Does my bum look too big in this…?"

There is no doubt about it, for we girls this in an incredibly sensitive issue.  One that is relevant for all forms of exercise but seems to go to a whole new level when one thinks of perching awkwardly on ones cycle seat.  Guys also have their issues which I in no way down play the importance of.

If you have read "Making the change to healthier living… is it worth it" … you will have seen my 'before' photo, and if you are in any doubt about whether I was worried about what I looked like when I first stepped out in public for exercise purposes, just revisit that photo. What was hiding under the hula skirt was by far the worst of it.

The only view we should be worrying about when 
out cycling is the view over the handlebars.
The truth is, the only view we should be worrying about when we are out cycling is the view over the handlebars, not our rear view! But if you're anything like me, that's easier said than done. And given that we will worry anyway, here is some advice that might give you a little more confidence to push on with your riding (or exercise in general) without too much 'does my bum look too big in this' stress.

Comfort when exercising requires clothing that allows a reasonable amount of freedom of movement. Whilst I coped with my regular shorts when I first began walking, for cycling they were just too restrictive. Leggings allowed me that greater freedom of movement and just made cycling a whole lot more comfortable.

It is worth bearing in mind, however, that your leggings or lycra exercise shorts may look quite sturdy and not at all see through when you look at them fresh out of the drawer, but once they have stretched a couple of extra sizes across your buttocks, and then perched above a cycle seat, the knit weave can open up rather alarmingly, revealing pretty much every detail of your undies …. size, colour, and location. Best to ask someone 'safe' to check yours once on ….  or wear a long t-shirt for your peace of mind.

I know this because my wonderful children tolerated my paranoia about my 'rear view' to the extent that, at my request, they followed me up and down the street on my bike so they could give me feedback. Their honesty was much appreciated and after choosing to wear a longer t-shirt to give my legging clad 'bum' a little protection from judgemental eyes, I found I could relax and not stress so much.

For any 'menfolk' out there wondering about the wisdom of crossing over to the lycra cycle shorts …. most men I have met seem to find them very comfortable and comfort is very important. But my advice is stick to black… use your t-shirt for colour, style, and most importantly, visibility. Black is the most forgiving colour for the lycra shorts by a long long way. For both men and women.

If you're not comfortable with the lycra short, there is an option that has a pair of shorts attached over the padded lycra undershort. These are available for both men and women, and are my current choice when riding my road bike. I haven't needed padded shorts on my hybrid so I just wear whatever is comfortable.

The bottom line (pardon the pun) is that you need to feel comfortable enough in your exercise clothing to be able to perform the exercise of your choice. After that, it does also help if you feel confident that you don't look any worse in your exercise gear than your size or shape dictates. But what ever you do, don't let worry about what you look like stop you from embarking on such an important part of your personal health journey.

Those who see you out exercising and would still judge you ill for your size or shape are simply not worth thinking about.

If, or when, you feel a bit conspicuous on the path, in the gym, or at coffee shop time, just walk tall and be proud. Not only are you doing a marvellous thing for yourself,  but I have absolutely no doubt that there will be those who see you that will be inspired and encouraged by your commitment.


  1. Definitely had a few laugh out loud moments reading this:) great advice!

  2. Just loved this, lots of big laughs, and my work colleagues "wanted their share of the conversation" so I have ....... shared !!
