Monday 25 August 2014

Choosing your walk - Hillarys Boat Harbour

There are lots of lovely places to walk around the city of Perth. One of these lovely places is along the coast near Hillarys Boat Harbour. I had a lovely walk along there recently and made a point of paying attention to landmarks and times so I could share some ideas with you.

We all have our own level of enthusiasm and fitness, our own health issues, and our own time constraints so I have included a range of options so you can choose your walk…. from as short as you like to up to an hour.

Late afternoon looking back to Hillarys Boat Harbour
from our start point car park
And remember, you don't need to be limited by my suggestions. There are plenty of places around Perth, or elsewhere in Western Australia, and even in other parts of the world that I have yet to discover but would work just as well.

The Walk Heading South
0 minutes 
I prefer to park immediately south of Hillarys Boat Harbour between Hillarys and Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club (opposite Sacred Heart College). I park as far north in that car park as I can. This is where I have taken my 'walk times' from but if you park at Hillary's Boat Harbour (south carpark) just add a few minutes to your times.

I'd just like to say at this point that there are public toilets at Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club.

I started my walk by walking south (away from Hillarys Boat Harbour) on the beach side of Sorrento Life Saving Club (ocean to my right) and I walked at what I call a 'purposeful' walking pace…. not brisk, but definitely not a stroll.  You can choose your own pace, but just remember that the time frames will vary accordingly.

7 minutes
At 7 minutes I was walking past Voyage Cafe which you will notice on the left side of the coast road just before the BP service station. Voyage does a nice breakfast, lunch or coffee and is in a lovely spot.

Voyage Cafe
If you are looking for a shorter walk Voyage is a good place to stop. It's also about 10 minutes walk from Hillarys Boat Harbour (south carpark) if you prefer.

If your fitness level, your health or your walking pleasure dictates a slower pace, or if you prefer to 'stroll', this walk might take you 20 minutes. Either way it is still a good walk and all on good quality pathway.

10 minutes
At 10 minutes I walked past a rest point with chairs and shade (identifiable by a little parking bubble for about 10 cars). This is a good spot to stop and enjoy the view before heading back if you are wanting a good 20 minute 'purposeful' walk.

This is also a good spot to park and walk. I've walked from here before and at a purposeful pace it takes about 15 minutes north to the nearest coffee option at Hillarys Boat Harbour or about 15 minutes south to Cafe 33.

15 minutes
At 15 minutes I passed the Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club (MAAC) on my right. This is a members only venue so unless you are a member (or with a member) this is not a good spot to stop for refreshments. There is, however, a public toilet block immediately south of the club (set down from the road and path) which can be useful.

'kick the rock' post just past Marmion
Angling and Aquatic Club

(shaded shelter with seat in sight)
The club is a useful landmark. If you are wanting a half hour walk you can turn around here and head back. If you like a coffee, Voyage is only 8 minutes back towards Hillarys, and by the time you get back to your car you will have done a good half hour walk.

I prefer to push just a little further for my half hour walk, just past the club to where the path temporarily diverges from West Coast Highway (on the coast side). There is a post set into the path here. For those of you who like to 'kick the rock' you can touch or walk around this post before heading back.

Alternately, there is a shelter just past this post with a lovely view up and down the coast, which chairs and shade where you can pause and catch your breath whilst enjoying the outlook. There is probably only a minute between the club and this shelter.

If you are out for a 'stroll' this might take and hour including the return journey, but as it's all on good path and with such a lovely outlook it certainly is a really worthwhile walk.

25 minutes
At 25 minutes I was walking past Bay 33 Cafe on the corner of Elsie Street and the coast road. You will see it on the left side of the coast road.  If you like to stop mid walk this is a handy location. I've never stopped there myself so I don't know what it's like. They do have a nice out door area which looks popular and they have a lovely coastal outlook.

Bay 33 Cafe 
On the beach side of the path there is a rest area with chairs (though no shade currently) for those looking for a rest point without the coffee. Under this rest area is a toilet block if needed (the rest area is actually the roof of the toilet block).

You can walk down to the beach here and cool your feet in the water before heading back towards Hillarys if you have had enough. You will have done 50 minutes purposeful walking by the time you return to your car which is a very good walk.

If your walk is more of a stroll this is quite a long walk. Probably more than most would enjoy.

30 minutes
30 minutes brings us to the turning point of our full hour of 'purposeful' walking. If you follow the road side path you will notice a parking area on your right between you and the beach. Walk on past the entrance to this parking area but keep your eyes out for a path on your right leading down to the beach. Margaret Street is on your left.

This path is quite narrow and easily missed which is why I mention Margaret Street. The path leads you down to the southern end of the car park. To the left a board walk leads you down to the beach if you wish to cool off in the water or wet your feet. To the right the path leads you back past the car park to a playground area.

beach path from Margaret Street car park
- typical of this stretch of coast line
This is a great mid spot for our walk. This playground area has lawn, shade and seats. Extra shade sails are put up over summer. You can have a break and enjoy the view before heading back towards Hillarys Boat Harbour. There isn't a toilet block here though. The closest is 5 minutes away near Bay 33 Cafe.

If you have started your walk in the carpark near Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club, by the time you get back to your car you will have had a good hour of 'purposeful' walking along a beautiful stretch of our coastline.

This car park is also a good starting point for a walk. You could park here and walk north rather than parking near Hillarys and walking south.

The Walk heading North (or the return journey)
0 minutes (30 minutes)
If you are choosing this spot as your starting point, the car park entrance is just north of Margaret Street. I'm not sure that you can really see the playground area from the road as it's set down quite a bit from the road (as is the car park) which makes it a lovely secluded spot.

Walk North along the path towards Hillarys Boat Harbour keeping the ocean to your left hand side.

5 minutes (35 minutes)
5 minutes brings you back to Bay 33 Cafe and/or the rest area over the public toilets which are pretty much opposite, but just south of, the cafe. (Elsie Street). This makes a very nice ten minute walk if you are just beginning and your fitness level means you struggle to cope with much more than that.

convenient rest area near Bay 33 Cafe
with public toilets underneath
It might also be a lovely walk if your health issues don't allow anything more than that. It is a good level path with a lovely view and if five minutes is your maximum a friend could walk the five minutes back for the car while you sit and enjoy the view awaiting pick up.

15 minutes (45 minutes)
15 minutes brings you back to the Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club (MAAC) which if you remember was members only. A few minutes short of the club the path deviates away from the coast road (on the coastal side) and there are three lovely shaded rest areas along this section all with seats and a magnificent view which you can avail yourself of.

The last of these (mentioned earlier) will bring you within view of the MAAC. If you started from the Margaret Street car park and are only wanting a half hour walk I suggest you walk to the club where you can avail yourself of the public toilets should you need them (just south of the club and set down from the path) before walking back to this rest area for a break.

rest area with shade and seating
near 10 car parking bubble
20 minutes (50 minutes)
20 minutes brings you to another one of these rest areas with shade and seating (similar style) identifiable by the small 10 car park bubble attached (mentioned earlier as another good spot to park and walk). There is no toilet block here, but the view is magnificent.

23 minutes (53 minutes)
23 Minutes brings you back to the Voyage Cafe. If you choose this as the mid point of your walk from Margaret Street car park you will have well and truly had your 45 minutes of purposeful walk by the time you get back to your car. If you began at Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club you are only 7 minutes from finishing.

30 minutes (1 hour)
30 minutes brings you back to the car park just north of Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club (public toilets) and plenty of shade and seating options. Here you are only a few minutes away from the nearest coffee/refreshment options at Hillary's Boat harbour. You are either at the end of your hour of purposeful walk, or if you started at the Margaret Street car park, you are half way through your hour of exercise.

A little extra information
So there you have it. A lovely walk for those wanting an hour of 'purposeful' walking. But plenty of options for those who require a shorter walk or for when a gentler walk is desired. Also options for those wanting to combine their walk with coffee and/or a social catch up.

This walk is delightful on a sunny winters day or a not so sunny winters day. In summer, it is delightful early or late in the day, but can be a bit intense during the main heat of a summers day. Do remember sunscreen, a hat, and water if the day is a bit warm and you are planning to be out for an hour.

Happy walking.

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