Tuesday 30 September 2014

A walk with intensity - Mullaloo Point Lookout

This walk revolves around what is arguably the most 'intense uphill' in the nearly 50 kilometres of the coastal path, the incline that leads up to the Mullaloo Point Lookout. This is precisely why I have chosen this location for this walk with a little intensity.

An 'intense uphill' is the perfect opportunity to lift the intensity of ones exercise. If we can lift our heart rate to a higher level during our exercise we get more fitness benefit, and more fat and glucose burning benefit from that exercise.

Including that 'intense uphill' fairly early in our exercise means our heart rate elevates earlier in our exercise period so we have the benefit of that elevation for longer in our exercise period.

I do also like a little 'gentle' at the beginning of my exercise period just to give my body a chance to 'wake up' gently before I hit it with the hard stuff. And this walk gives us that little bit of 'gentle' at the start before we have to tackle that 'intense uphill'.

As with all my walks, you can increase the intensity by jogging or running, or you can break it down to whatever works for you at your own pace and in your own time frame. I have timed the walk at my brisk walking pace.

The Walk

We start from the car park closest to the Mullaloo Point Lookout. This is the last carpark between Mullaloo Beach and Ocean Reef Road. This car park has a humble toilet facility (I'm told it's not the cleanest!!) for those who might like to make use of it.

So, beginning from the car park we follow the shared path north (the ocean should be on our left) and enjoy some gentle undulation in the path as our body warms into the idea of exercise. Settling into a brisk rhythm along this section, working both legs and arms as you walk, is a good start.

Before long we come to our 'intense uphill'. The idea is to try and maintain your brisk pace or to at least take this hill as briskly as your body can reasonably handle so as to increase your heart rate as efficiently as possible.

Your reality might be a little different depending on your level of fitness. So when you first try this walk, or if you are not a regular exerciser, be kind to yourself. Do not be too proud to rest if needed (handy seats available at bottom, middle and top of hill) or to turn back if it's too much for you at first.

360 degree view
Mullaloo Point
Towards the top of the hill you come to a T junction in the path where you will turn left towards Mullaloo Point Lookout. To keep our heart rate up we must keep walking, but circling the table from right to left maximises the 360 degree view appreciation, before we start immediately on the 'downhill'.

This lookout is about 5½ minutes brisk walk from the car park.

Note: If you need to catch your breath this is the perfect spot with view, seat and shade.

As we head 'down hill' from the lookout we will pass by the turn off that leads back to our car park (on our right) and continue to follow the path as it winds down the other side of our lookout hill towards Ocean Reef Marina. We need to keep our pace brisk and remember to work both our legs and arms.

At the bottom of the hill we begin a slow but steady incline which will bring us to another seat, set in a little appendix to the path (ocean side). This seat has magnificent 180 degree views which you must enjoy fully circling the chair from right to left before continuing towards Ocean Reef Marina.

180 degree ocean and
coastal views 
This seat is about 6 minutes brisk walk from the Lookout, 11½ minutes from the car park.

Note: If you need to catch your breath this spot offers a view and a seat, but no shade.

We walk briskly on winding down towards  Ocean Reaf Marina where we find a lovely shaded area with tables and chairs and some public toilets. There is also a water fountain for a drink if needed.

To keep our heart rate functioning at as high a rate as possible we will not stop here but after walking around the shaded picnic area we rejoin the path and head back towards Mullaloo Point.

Shaded seating area at
Ocean Reef Marina
This seating area is about 5 minutes brisk walk from our 180 degree view, 11 minutes from our lookout, and 16½ minutes from our carpark.

Note: If you need a rest at this point this spot offers a view of the marina, seats, shade, toilets and a water fountain.

We are now retracing our steps back towards Mullaloo Point. Remember to keep your pace brisk and to use both your arms and legs as you work you way back up towards our seat with the 180 degree view. This time circle the seat from left to right to make the most of the view.

Then continue to keep a brisk pace as you come to the rise up to the lookout again. I think this side of the hill is steeper but possibly a little shorter. Try to keep your pace as even as possible and remember to keep your arms moving for maximum benefit as you wind your way up the steep section.

As the rise eases you come to the left turn that leads back to the car park. It is easy to be tempted to skip the return to the lookout, but that little extra up hill is well worth while and I just can't resist that view.

After a brief pause to enjoy the scenery it's time to head back down to the car park. If you are finishing your walk at the carpark easing your pace from the bottom of the hill will just help your body ease back to inactivity.

This will have given you a good brisk 30 minute walk with plenty of up hills and down hills to capitalise on that original intensity. Well done.

A little extra

If, like me, you prefer a longer workout (I like my 45 minutes) you can continue briskly past the car park to full fill your time requirement what ever it may be. I find continuing for another 8 minutes along the path towards Mullaloo Beach before returning to the car park is a good way to add another 15 minutes and extend the value of your intensity.

If you wanted to walk all the way to Mullaloo Beach along the sealed path (reasonably level) it wouldn't add much more than that to your walk.

A little variety

Alternately, if you're not afraid of a little sand, you can follow the sealed path past the car park and walk as far as you like towards Mullaloo Beach but detour down one of the beach access paths to the beach. Even if you walk all the way to Mullaloo Beach on the path and then back along the beach it should add no more than 30 minutes to your walk.

As you walk back along the beach in the direction of the Mullaloo Point Lookout you will return to the access path that leads back directly back to our car park. This path is distinguishable by a very wide mouth with a small pine lookout to the left. If you miss the path, the beach ends at rocks shortly afterwards so you will know if you've gone too far.

Access path leads to the right, heading back
from the beach to our car park.
This is just a delightful walk and a really good workout, but if it's a little far for you to access regularly try looking around your locality for an 'intense uphill' of your own. You can create your own personal 'walk with intensity' just around the corner from home or work for easy and regular access.

Just think how marvellous that would be.

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