Thursday 4 September 2014

Have you got up off that couch yet? … What's holding you back??

Okay, so we've been talking about eating healthier and being more active.

We've talked about the health benefits of eating healthier and being more active.

We've talked about big changes in our 'food intake plan' and a massive increase (45 minutes per day)in physical activity.

But we've also talked about taking on small changes… about simply leaning towards eating healthier, and leaning towards becoming more active.

Any place is a good place to start, no matter how small.

Just thinking about these things is an incredibly important part of moving towards a healthier lifestyle plan. Reading about doing these things is a positive part of your journey to a healthier lifestyle plan.

But at some point we have to do more than just think, more than just read… we have to do. Otherwise it will never happen. No-one else can do it for you.

So let me ask you this question. And if you would, indulge me by persisting in reading this to the end even if it seems a little extreme to you.

Have you got up off that couch yet?

Do you know that lying on the couch with your body at rest, your body is pretty much at its most inactive. If your head and shoulders are slightly more elevated your body is working a wee bit harder.

If you swing your legs over the edge of the couch and put them on the floor and raise yourself to a sitting position suddenly your body has to work a little harder. And if you stand up, the effort your body has to go to to maintain that position goes to a whole new level.

So if you have got to the stage in your life where you spend all your spare time lying on the couch, (you may think I'm being funny but I was there myself!!) or even a significant amount of time ….. unless you are there under Doctors orders (which I wasn't) …. try sitting up properly with your feet on the floor or only slightly elevated, in an armchair maybe, for your relaxation periods. Your body will work harder.

This may not seem like much, but if that's where you are at, then just doing this is an important part of your personal fitness journey.

Now…. Can you do this one exercise?

My ever so wise older sister gave me this advice one day. She got this advice from a friend of hers, and I thought it was an incredibly simple but incredibly profound idea.

She said everyday we should get down on the floor, and then get ourselves back up again. If we did that everyday we would be regularly exercising those muscles that we need to get ourselves up off the floor. And being able to get up off the floor (no matter how we do it) is actually a very useful asset.

It's possible you may not be able to do this exercise and I definitely don't want you to get stuck down there. It's not particularly easy when we are so out of the habit of using the muscles that we need to raise ourselves up from the floor. Which is my point exactly.

So get up off that couch.

If even contemplating doing that exercise filled you with horror then it is time to get yourself moving. That popular saying 'use it or lose it' is sadly relevant when it comes to our muscles.

So start by sitting up. Feet on the floor. Sitting up properly. Then, stand up. If doing that exhausts you it's okay if you sit down again. But don't stay there all day. If all you do to start with is to build yourself up from mostly lying down to mostly sitting up that is progress. If you can then build yourself up to 'stand up' at least once every half an hour (even if it takes you a week or more to get there) then can you see what a big step forward that would be on your fitness journey.

And if you are already off that couch!

Well then, just look how much further ahead you are than you thought you were!!! Now get walking. Walk the length of your home interior, walk to the end of your driveway, or to the elevator on your floor. Pull your sneakers on and walk to the end of your street, or around your block. Whatever feels like a good place to start. If it makes you sweat a bit, or puff a little thats a good thing (unless you have a medical condition that says otherwise).

And now. Do that everyday

If you are already able to walk to the end of your street, or around the block!!

Well wow indeed. What's holding you back. Pull your sneakers on and walk away from your home for 15 minutes before walking home again. Or alternatively drive to somewhere you'd like to walk (see my post 'Some inspiration to start exercising - walking' ) and walk away from your car for 15 minutes before walking back to your car.

And now. Do that everyday…. or at least every second day.

(Note: Some shopping centres have walking groups that walk around the shops if you don't feel safe out on your own)

Okay, so your already walking regularly!!!

Well then... work a little harder. Work up a sweat, get yourself puffing. Lengthen your stride a little. Swing your arms as you walk cause that gets your heart rate up a little further. Push yourself to walk a little further in your 30 minutes, or find a hill or a set of stairs that you can walk up and down (not too big at first).

Now do that every day, or every second day…. or even twice a week.

It won't cost you a thing except time.

Only 30 minutes.

30 minutes that can make an incredible difference in your life!!!

So how about it….  have you got up off that couch yet? What's holding you back??

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