Friday 5 September 2014

The 'sometimes carb' weekly challenge - stage one

As promised… The 'sometimes carb' challenge in manageable weekly instalments. 

It took me ages to put together the 'sometimes carb' challenge last week. I love the concept, but struggled to narrow it down to something (pardon the pun) bite sized.

This 'sometimes carb' group is the food group that led to my obesity and also to my borderline Type 2 Diabetic diagnosis.  Not that these carbs are necessarily 'bad', just that they are healthy in moderation.

This is why I think this 'challenge' is so important that it's worth repeating. Its aim is to expose the dominance of this group of foods in your eating plan … if indeed they are dominant (they certainly were for me)… and then to moderate them.

The 'sometimes carb' weekly challenge - stage one 

On the chart below we are wanting to track your general 'sometimes carb' intake rather than measuring or controlling it. So just eat as you normally would for the week but put a mark in the appropriate box every time one of these items features in your daily eating.

If you know you have another grain (or flour) based food you regularly eat that is not listed, it will help you if you add it to your chart.
If printing this chart is not an option for you
pencil, paper and ruler is a quick fix
The main thing is to be as accurate as possible. There is no point in cheating. No one else will be judging you on this chart. The entire purpose of this exercise is for you to begin to get a picture of how heavily this 'sometimes carb' group features in your current eating plan.

We are not worried about portion size for the purpose of this chart at this time, we will worry about that next week.

At the end of your week of record keeping add up your total number of serves for the week. Divide your total number of serves by 7 (if its a fraction round up). This is your 'score' to take with you into stage two (your average number of 'sometimes carb' serves per day).

Have fun with stage one and I'll be back with you next week for stage two.

 ☛ Suggested reading to help prepare for stage 2 
  • Making the change to healthier living - is it worth it? - 12 June 2014
  • Starting an 'anytime food' revolution in your life.       - 18 June 2014
☛ Other helpful background information you might like to look at
  • Part 1 - It's not a diet… it's a modified food intake plan - 11 June 2014
  • Part 2 - It's not a diet… it's a modified food intake plan - 13 June 2014

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