Tuesday 16 September 2014

Anyone for a Stroll - Mullaloo Beach

Those who know me well will know it's not my usual thing to 'stroll'. But the last couple of months have had their challenges and caused some interruption to my usual exercise routines…. hence more walking (no riding) of late.

Then, for the last couple of weeks I've been confined to the couch where 'a walk' meant a trek to the kitchen, the bathroom or the bed (sigh)… but finally, with permission to be 'active' again I am temporarily embracing the concept of the recuperative 'stroll'.

In looking for inspiration to 'get up off that couch' I found my way to Mullaloo Beach, one of the nicest beaches in Perth in my opinion, and I found it the perfect place to gently ease my way back into activity. Maybe it will inspire you as well.

Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club
Helpful Info

There are a couple of carparks at Mullaloo Beach, a smaller one between the Surf Life Saving Club and the Mullaloo Dome, and the second larger one about 200 meters north.

There are also two toilet blocks at Mullaloo Beach. One next to the club, and one about 200 meters north (beachside of the larger car park).

I took my 'stroll' times from the path in front of the Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club and I include them only as a guide to an ultimate goal.

Your 'stroll' times may well differ but the idea is to only extend yourself at your pace.

Mullaloo Beach to Mullaloo Point Lookout.

I love this walk. It's not completely flat, but the ups and downs are not too taxing while you are still building yourself up. The idea is to start small, maybe five or ten minutes to start, but to work your way up to the full 30 minute 'stroll'… from the Club to the Lookout. The last five minutes being 'the hill' and the view.

You might like to begin by just walking the path from one end of the lawned areas to the other - about 400 metres. There are plenty of chairs and shade in this area if you need regular breaks at the beginning.

If/when you are ready to go a little further afield you can walk north on the path from the Surf Life Saving Club (ocean on your left) in the direction of the Mullaloo Point Lookout as far as you feel comfortable 'strolling' before returning. You will know your limit… but challenge yourself to increase the distance as you feel able.

well placed bench seat
with ocean view
As you extend your distance, you will notice several carparks. The small carpark in front of the Surf Life Saving Club,  the large carpark at the northern end of the lawned area, and then two smaller car parks, the second of which has a small public toilet facility right beside the path. This toilet facility (which I'm told is not the cleanest) is about 20 minutes 'stroll' from the Club.

Not 5 minutes past this toilet facility is a well placed bench seat with a nice view of the ocean after all the bush you have strolled past. By the time you reach this chair you will have built yourself up to a good 25 minute stroll. Quite an achievement.

Unless or until you feel ready to tackle 'the hill' I would stop at this chair before heading back. A good suggestion once you feel ready to tackle 'the hill' is to park at that last little carpark with the toilet facility for your first attempt. That way if 'the hill' is too much for you, you only have a 5 minute return walk.

The hill leading up to the lookout can be quite taxing, but it is do-able if you just take it at your own pace. The view from the top is well worth the effort to conquer the hill, but you don't need to conquer it all in one day.

Mullaloo Point Lookout
It's a good idea to start by only walking up as far as you feel comfortable and then simply turning back. Remember you have that well placed bench to rest up on as you come back down. Then, as you find your self pushing further up the hill, you will eventually get far enough to reach another conveniently located chair where you can pause to pat yourself on the back and catch your breath.

Once you have conquered the hill as far as this second chair, you are pretty much there. The rest of the hill is not very taxing at all. Shortly after this chair there is a T junction in the path, and the left turn takes you directly to the lookout with table, chairs, shade, and a magnificent view of the coast (north and south) and (on a clear day) out to Rottnest Island.

The return journey to Mullaloo is not difficult at all but do remember to take that right turn on the path (shortly after leaving the Lookout) to lead you back towards Mullaloo. Other wise you will find yourself walking down the other side of the Lookout hill towards Ocean Reef Boat Harbour…. a beautiful walk in itself but one you might rather tackle another time.

Mullaloo Beach to Whitfords Beach

Another alternative is the walk from Mullaloo Beach to Whitfords Beach, walking south from the same starting point in front of the Surf Live Saving Club either on the good quality sealed path, or by walking down to the beach beside the Club and strolling along the beach.

I much prefer the beach option, firstly because on the beach there are no big ups and downs, and secondly, the view is better. And I love doing it in bare feet having a little dabble in the water here and there and enjoying the sand between my toes.

It can be enjoyed in sneakers as well but you do have to pay a little attention to that gap between the high tide mark (where the damp sand meets the dry sand) and the line where the water is currently washing up the beach…. otherwise you may inadvertently get your sneakers wet…. like I did!!!

But if you prefer the security of the sealed path under foot that is also a nice option. It does have a bit of an uphill, not as taxing as the Mullaloo Point Lookout climb, but it comes much earlier in the stroll and without the conveniently placed bench seats of the northern walk.

I chose Whitfords Beach as the end point of this stroll because it took me 23 minutes to stroll up the beach that far (giving me my 45 minutes exercise) and because it was the first pathway up from the beach with a toilet block. You can go further if you like, or you can head back on an earlier path if you prefer.

Often these paths have no distinguishing features at the beach end to let you know your location, but with this path you know it's the one cause you can actually see the toilet block roof peeking over the sand dunes as you look up the path from the beach.

Whitford Beach path - view from the beach showing
 the toilet block roof peaking over the bushes
Remember that any of the designated paths leading away from the beach will connect with the sealed path that runs along the coast from Mullaloo to Hillarys Boat Harbour.

So if you leave the beach all you need to do is turn back towards Mullaloo Beach once you connect with the sealed 'shared' path and you need never worry about getting lost.

If you stroll up as far as Whitfords Beach, not only do you get the advantage of a toilet block, but if you stroll up to the road (Whitfords Beach car park) there is often an ice-cream van there on the weekend. A nice cooling treat if the day is a bit warm or you are wearing out the grand children.

You can then choose whether to stroll back via the beach or take the sealed path. The path is an easier surface to walk on, but it's usually a touch cooler at the waters edge which on a warm day can make a big difference. If it's super windy, the path might be a little more protected but the beach is flatter.

Another alternative is to park at the Whitfords Beach carpark (just at the roundabout connecting the coast road to Whitfords Avenue) and take your stroll north towards Mullaloo (ocean to your left), either via the beach or the path, and then have an ice-cream at Mullaloo…. or a coffee at the Mullaloo Dome…. before strolling the 23 mins back to your car.

Which ever option you choose, remember to start by strolling as far as you feel comfortable before turning back. Gradually increase your distance or time as you feel comfortable doing so. You will know your limit… but challenge yourself to increase the distance as you feel able.

Whitfords Beach
Stroll, Walk, Jog… you choose 

Now I have talked about taking a stroll. Obviously you can do this walk at any speed you prefer… I'm just a bit focused on 'the stroll' this week. Both the north and south option from Mullaloo Beach lend them selves to either a stroll, a walk (purposeful or brisk) or a jog…. whatever you find enjoyable or manageable.

The beautiful sandy beach from Mullaloo extends south all the way to Hillary's boat harbour if you want to walk that far, as does the lovely sealed path, but it's about 5km all up so you'd need to be keen.

Heading north on the beach does not take you far, but the path will take you north to Ocean Reef Boat Harbour (5km) if you are keen, and beyond to Burns Beach (7km)… a particularly lovely section of the coast.

As with most walks, lovely on a warm winter or moderate spring day, not so nice in the heat of the summer day. Choose your time, and if in any doubt remember your hat, your sunscreen and your water.

So… now that we've got all that sorted…

Who's up for a stroll?

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