Friday 12 September 2014

The 'sometimes carb' weekly challenge - stage two

Last week in stage one of the 'sometimes carb' challenge we were challenged to keep a record of our 'sometimes carb' serves for one whole week to gain insight into the dominance of these foods in our eating plan.

By my measure the optimum is to limit foods from this 'sometimes carb' group (as a general rule) to a maximum of three 'portion controlled' serves per day.

Even getting it under four or five can be a bonus depending where you are on your 'healthy eating' journey.

Results from stage one

If you found you came in at the optimum number of 'sometimes carb' serves per day (three) that is very encouraging but it's still worth continuing the challenge to look at portion control.

If you found you came in above (or even well above) the optimum number of serves per day (like I did) don't be discouraged…. that is why we are doing this challenge.

Stage one will have given you a number of 'sometimes carb' serves for each day of the week… this may vary from day today. For stage two we want your average number of serves per day as a daily benchmark to work towards.

To find the average number of serves per day add up your total number of serves for the week and then divide that total by 7. If it's a fraction, round up.

Note: Please keep your stage one chart for your reference.

The 'sometimes carb' challenge - stage two

For stage two we need a fresh copy of the chart we used for stage one

In stage two our aim is not to exceed the average number of 'sometimes carb' serves per day as established in stage one, We are not aiming to reduce the number of serves per day (though you can if you like), rather we want to reduce the portion sizes. You can take this as far as you like.
If printing this chart is not an option for you
pencil, paper and ruler is a quick fix
As in stage one, put a mark on the chart each time you have your reduced serve of a 'sometimes carb'.

Making this stage of the challenge suit you.

I do understand that 'measuring' is not for everyone so you can choose to 'reduce' your portions to significantly less than (or half of) your 'usual' portion…. i.e. halve your usual serve of pasta, have a sandwich instead of a bread roll, share that cake, etc.

Or, your 'reduced' portions can be 'appropriate portion sizes' as listed in Appendix A (below) and for anything not listed, just try to halve (or significantly reduce) your usual portion.

Certainly it is very illuminating to took at the 'portions' as listed in Appendix A (below) whether or not you wish to go to the trouble of measuring. I know when I was freely eating these 'sometimes carbs' my 'portions' were nothing like those listed. I never had ½ cup pasta (more like 2 cups), never one slice of bread (always a sandwich) etc etc etc.

You may find you are happy to do some weighing or measuring on a few key items. Just take it as far as you can manage without loosing interest. The challenge still works if you simply reduce your portions.

helpful tips
  • we are only reducing 'sometimes carbs'. Do not worry about reducing other foods at this stage.
  • hunger is your enemy - access foods from the 'anytime foods' group (as much as you like) or fruit (maximum 3 per day) to help if you are hungry. 
  • I found that spreading my eating (with or without 'sometimes carbs') into smaller serves more regularly throughout the day helped keep my appetite under better control.
Important - If for any reason you can't or don't reduce your serve size simply make 2 marks or (if choosing the wiegh/measure option) record the measured portions. Remember no one is judging you on this… it is only for your information, so be honest with yourself.

Don't stress if your recorded 'serves' increase this week under our 'reduced serves'. You are improving your understanding of what your body feels it needs and establishing a benchmark for us to work with in stage three. This is largely what this stage of the challenge is about.

If you can keep your daily 'reduced serves' to the same number (or less) than last weeks 'serves' I will be suitably impressed…. but if not, simply record your extra 'reduced portion' serves. Either way, do not be discouraged. Join me next week for stage three of the 'sometimes carb' challenge.

Appendix A:

For your information if trying appropriate portion sizes (approximately 15 gram carbohydrate)
  • ½ cup Weeties or Cornflakes 
  • ⅓ cup Sustain, Fibre Plus or Just Right 
  • 1½ Weetbix or Vita Brits 
  • ¼ cup raw oats 
  • 1 small potato or ½ cup mashed potato 
  • ½ cup polenta 
  • ½ cup green peas or sweet corn
  • ½ cup cooked rice, or pasta, or cous cous, or lentils
  • 1 normal slice of bread 
  • ½ English Muffin (breakfast style) 
  • ⅓ Bread Roll
  • 1 flat bread (many are 2 portions)
  • 3 Sao Biscuits
  • 4 Corn Thins
  • 1 Cup (loose) potato chips
  • 5 water crackers

Pizza, pastry, cakes and biscuits vary too much to give an exact amount. Packaged items will have labels (in Australia) and you can work it out for your self from that … or...

… as a rough guide and for the purposes of this exercise

allocate 1 portion per
  • middling wedge of pizza
  • middling portion of savoury pie
  • slim (2cm/1inch) wedge of plain cake
  • 2 small biscuits
  • 1 medium biscuit
allocate 2 portions per
  • modest wedge of sweet pie
  • slim (2cm/1inch) wedge of rich/fancy cake

Anything not listed just try to reduce your usual portion.

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